100 #Bieberfact part 2

Posted by Agus Saputra Sunday, January 22, 2012 0 comentar

  1. waktu kecil justin sering pakek high heels nya mom Pattie *ahaha lol xD*
  2. Justin suka baca buku cerita yg klasik :)
  3. Justin tuh selalu online twitter loh! Tapi...jarang ngetweet soalnya dia 'professional creeper' lol
  4. Justin likes slow dancing with a girl so he can make the move and kiss her
  5. justin mau punya pacar yang lahirnya tahun : 1998 , 1997, 1996 , 1995 , 7994 , 7993 , 1992 
  6. he says he doesnt understand girls
  7. justin ngga suka sama cewe yang pake behel
  8. Justin nyumbang 1M buat Jepang
  9. Justin suka main water fight sama fans nya
  10. His shoe size is seven-- and a half
  11. Kenny once said "He tells bad jokes. His pranks are legendary but he is the worst joke-teller ever." about Justin
  12. justin pernah bilang dia suka sama anak kecil
  13. Justin sempet meluk Debby Ryan waktu di  premiere 
  14. BFFnya Justin itu: Christian Beadles ,Chaz Somers ,Ryan Butler,Caitlin Beadles,Nick Jonas, dan.... Selena Gomez
  15. video beyonce yg paling di suka Justin yaitu "Single Ladies"
  16. justin mau menikah di hari valentine dan tempatnya di pantai bahamas
  17. Justin pernah blg dia ga pernah mimpi. Dia hanya tertidur lalu semua menjadi hitam lalu ia terbangun.
  18. Justin itu juru bicara PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Lol
  19. cover song Justin yg paling banyak di tonton = With you : Chris Brown
  20. "dia tidak kenal takut. Rasanya tdk percaya, dia begitu cepat mempelajari sesuatu" -justin's teacher said
  21. lagu Michael Jackson yg paling disukai Justin itu = Man In The Mirror
  22. ternyata Caitlin masih cinta Justin
  23. his first cd came out November 17th 2009 :D
  24. ternyata Justin pakai kawat gigi yg ga keliatan
  25. justin suka dengan tipe cewek yang tidak terlalu mencintainya seperti selena gomez
  26. justin termasuk tipe cowok setia
  27. justin suka baca sambil tiduran
  28. Justin's wearing invisible braces ;)
  29. Justin's dick gets wet when he showers .
  30. Justin favorite yogurt is 'Pinkberry yogurt'
  31. Justin bilang Miley Cyrus bukan tipenya tetapi dia seneng hangout sama Miley
  32. Justin selalu berdoa sebelum konsernya di mulai:-)
  33. kalimat bahasa jepang yg pertama kali justin pelajari adalah "bolehkah aku minta no.hapemu?"
  34. pas konser, setiap Justin mau nyanyi lagu Baby pasti dia nanya 'Who wants to be my baby?'
  35. Justin sama Selena tiap hari telpon2an terus
  36. Justin blg kalo dia gasibuk, dia pengen ikut keluar angkasa bareng chuck norris
  37. Justin gasuka menyetrika
  38. sebenernya nih, Justin pengen banget jd pemain hockey dgn nomer punggung favoritenya #6 di bawah namanya. 
  39. justin sangat peduli pada fans nya dan dia membuktikannya dengan cara dia "bermain" sama fans nya di twittter
  40. Justin waktu kecil suka dianterin ke sekolah sm kakeknya
  41. pas party after grammy,semua artis minum wine,sedangkan Justin gamau,dia lebih milih minuman kaleng
  42. Justin suka membuat fansnya bahagia dgn cara mem-follow mereka :')
  43. Justin ternyata engga suka sekolah loh!! Tapiiiii GPA-nya dia 4.0 alias cumlaude. Ngebuktiin dong kalo Justin ini pintar banget!
  44. ternyata mamanya Justin punya masalah dalam menyetir!
  45. Justin mengaku sering di serang migran setelah bekerja keras
  46. Justin suka banget sama video game! Game jadi salah satu kebutuhannya nih. Engga heran dong ya kalo dia punya xbox360 dan PS3
  47. Justin mulai bermain skateboard dari umur 4tahun
  48. Justin ga suka cewek yang pake tindik di sekitar wajahnya
  49. waktu Justin belum terkenal, dia ga pernah bilang sama temen-temenya kalo dia bisa nyanyi
  50. justin suka ciuman yang lama
  51. Vanessa anak dari Johnny Depp ternyata Belieber juga 
  52. justin lebih suka smile :) daripada smile (:
  53. Justin was cutting his famous hairdo : HAIR FLIP on 21st February 2011
  54. Justin pikir cewek itu keliatan imut pas tidur♥
  55. Justin says his fans always inspire him to write his music,
  56. in NSN 3D film, there are some Justin's scene who was shirtless ;)
  57. nomer favorit justin adalah enam (6)
  58. "I could never date a girl who is too in love with me in which he would do anything for me,"
  59. Justin said his first heartbreak was when his hamster died when he was 7th yo
  60. moto pribadi justin itu = Keluarga Yang Utama =)"
  61. Justin bilang belieber di Asia cantik2
  62. Tai lalat Justin yang keliatan di muka cuma 3, padahal kira-kira ada 10 tai lalat di muka nya
  63. Justin sering nyanyi pas lagi mandi
  64. Justin posted the number of the guy that hacked Ryan's account on twitter and he recieved 26,000 non-stop texts
  65. Justin prefer twitter than facebook
  66. A fan showed up to one of Justin's concert wearing a wedding dress, hoping Justin would marry her.
  67. before dating with Selena Gomez, Justin admitted that he had been dating with 3 girls, including Caitlin Beadles.
  68. Justin said : When Chuck Norris enters a room, he doesn't turn the lights on, he turns the dark off.
  69. Twitter blocked Justin Bieber from the Trending Topics list because he was on it all the time.
  70. Justin's favourites Fruit is Bananas,grapes
  71. At a concert, Justin once said, "If you want my attention, scream as loud as you can."
  72. Pattie claims that she always gets a seperate hotel room than Justin because because he gets hyper at night.
  73. Justin told a fan she was so beautiful because he overheard her saying she would never bee good enough for him...
  74. When Justin was 9 he ripped his 7 year old cousin's Barbie’s head off...
  75. Justin thinks it’s cool when you show that you love your mom,
  76. Justin pikir orang muslim itu cool :)
  77. @ tries his hardest to stay innocent
  78. Justin says he is rarely in any awkward situations
  79. besides,Never say Never Justin aslo said"never" in NLYG,overboard,Love me,Down to earth,Omaha mall haha
  80. Justin says that he won't like it when Jazmyn starts to date, but he will accept it because he loves her
  81. Justin tooks Caitlin and Christian Beadles to Bahamas cause noone find the golden ticket on My world 2.0
  82. Justin is turned off when his fans are TOO obsessed with him
  83. Justin is the only one who has a white and golden blackberry. No one else on Earth has one
  84. Justin: “I LOVE GIRLS, I LOVE GIRLS, I LOVE GIRLS!” *pattie slaps Justin* Justin: “okay i’ll shut up”
  85. Justin only sleeps an average of 6 hours per night!
  86. Justin has Ipad,Blackberry,Mac,Ipod,Iphone and Samsung Galaxy Tab
  87. Justin's first kiss was with a girl named Shay
  88. I look crazy as heck on the cover (of people magazine)
  89. Justin hates when people take pictures of him eating
  90. Justin creeps on Twitter for a while almost every night. He says 'It's like reading a bedtime story!'
  91. If Justin was fighting with his girlfriend and she started crying he would stop and just hold her
  92. Justin's least favourite subject is biology.
  93. 21 April 2011 followers justin mencapai 9 juta
  94. justin gasuka sama orang lebay
  95. 86% background di twitter foto Justin semua dan foto profil di twitter kebanyakan foto Justin juga
  96. Justin gak mau cewek yang sempurna, dia mau cewek yang biasa aja, dan dia bisa nerima ke-tidaksempurnaan ceweknya
  97. justin ga pake sabuk tapi dia pake tali sepatu
  98. kata yang pertama kali justin ucapin itu MAMA
  99. Justin bilang cinta bisa terjadi kapan aja dan sama siapa aja ;)
  100. Justin is HOT :)

tunggu part 3nya :)
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